Wednesday, January 22, 2025

California Driver's License reciprocity status 1.2025

Reciprocal driver’s license agreements allow a license in one participating nation to be exchanged for the other — either in whole or in part by waiving the practical driving exam and any mandatory driving lessons and requiring only a written/eyesight/etc exam.

Twenty-eight US States and territories have reciprocal driver’s license agreements with Germany. Similar agreements exist between US states and South Korea and with Taiwan. California is not a party to any such agreement. California Vehicle Code §12804.9 does not allow the DMV to negotiate reciprocity agreements with foreign governments.

I am seeking a California legislator willing to author legislation enabling foreign driver’s license reciprocity in the 2025-2026 legislative session.

Prior legislative activity

Several prior attempts have been made to pass enabling legislation:

AB 639 and AB 723, the most recent, were submitted by the Honorable Evan Low who will not be returning to the California House in 2025.

In 2021 the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators published a best practices guide for foreign license reciprocity, including suggested language for enabling legislation, at:

Why we will succeed

  • Immigration is at the top of the national agenda. Steps demonstrating a positive approach to immigration help counterbalance the news cycle.
  • Three organizations representing >100,000 Americans living overseas are willing to canvas their members registered to vote in California who would list themselves as supporters of the legislation at
  • Advertisements on Reddit subs and Facebook pages for US immigrants and expatriates can also seek more supporters registered to vote in California. The website to use in these ads has been created: by