Modern commodity switch fabric chips are amazingly capable, but their functionality is not infinite. In particular their parsing engines are generally fixed function, extracting information from the set of headers they were designed to process. Similarly the ability to modify packets is constrained to specifically designed in protocols, not an infinitely programmable rewrite engine.
Software defined networks are a wonderful thing, but development of an SDN agent to drive an existing ASIC does not suddenly make it capable of packet handling it wasn't already designed to do. At best, it might expose functions of which the hardware was always capable but had not been utilized by the older software. Yet even that is questionable: once a platform goes into production, the expertise necessary to thoroughly test and develop bug workarounds for ASIC functionality rapidly disperses to work on new designs. If part of the functionality isn't ready at introduction it is often removed from the documentation and retargeted as a feature of the next chip.
Decisions at the Edge
MPLS networks have an interesting philosophy: the switching elements at the core are conceptually simple, driven by a label stack prepended to the packet. Decisions are made at the edge of the network wherever possible. The core switches may have complex functionality dealing with fast reroutes or congestion management, but they avoid having to re-parse the payloads and make new forwarding decisions.
Ethernet switches have mostly not followed this philosophy, in fact we've essentially followed the opposite path. We've tended to design in features and capacity at the same time. Larger switch fabrics with more capacity also tend to have more features. Initially this happened because a chip with more ports required a larger silicon die to have room for all of the pins. Thus, there was more room for digital logic. Vendors have accentuated this in their marketing plans, omitting software support for features in "low end" edge switches even if they use the same chipset as the more featureful aggregation products.
This leaves software defined networking in a bit of a quandary. The MPLS model is simpler to reason about for large collections of switches, you don't have a combinatorial explosion of decision-making at each hop in the forwarding. Yet non-MPLS Ethernet switches have mostly not evolved in that way, and the edge switches don't have the capability to make all of the decisions for behaviors we might want.
Software Switches to the Rescue
A number of market segments have gradually moved to a model where the first network element to touch the packet is implemented mostly in software. This allows the hope of substantially increasing their capability. A few examples:

Datacenters: The first hop is a software switch running in the Hypervisor, like the VMware vSwitch or Cisco Nexus 1000v.

Wide Area Networks: WAN optimizers have become quite popular because they save money by reducing the amount of traffic sent over the WAN. These are mostly software products at this point, implementing protocol-specific compression and deduplication. Forthcoming 10 Gig products from Infineta appear to be the first products containing significant amounts of custom hardware.

Wifi Access Points: Traditional, thick APs as seen in the consumer and carrier-provided equipment market are a CPU with Ethernet and Wifi, forwarding packets in software.
Thin APs for Enterprise use as deployed by Aruba/Airespace/etc are rather different, the real forwarding happens in hardware back at a central controller.

Carrier Network Access Units: Like Wifi APs, access gear for DSL and DOCSIS networks is usually a CPU with the appropriate peripherals and forwards frames in software.

Enterprise: Just kidding, the Enterprise is still firmly in the "more hardware == more better" category. Most of the problems to be solved in Enterprise networking today deal with access control, security, and malware containment. Though CPU forwarding at the edge is one solution to that (attempted by ConSentry and Nevis, among others), the industry mostly settled on out of band approaches.
The Computer is the Network
The Sun Microsystems tagline through most of the 1980s was The Network is the Computer. At the time it referred to client-server computing like NFS and RPC, though the modern web has made this a reality for many people who spend most of their computing time with social and communication applications via the web. Its a shame that Sun itself didn't live to see the day.
We're now entering an era where the Computer is the Network. We don't want to depend upon the end-station itself to mark its packets appropriately, mainly due to security and malware considerations, but we want the flexibility of having software touch every packet. Market segments which provide that capability, like datacenters, WAN connections, and even service providers, are going to be a lot more interesting in the next several years.