Many companies now include peer feedback as part of the annual review process. Each employee nominates several of their colleagues to write a review of their work from the previous year. If you are new to this process, here is some terminology which may be useful.
peerrihelion [peer-ree-heel-yun] (noun) |
The point at which 50% of requested peer reviews are complete. |
peersuasion [peer-swey-zhuhn] (noun) |
A particularly glowing peer review. |
peerjury [peer-juh-ree] (noun) |
An astonishingly glowing peer review. |
peerplexed [peer-plekst] (adjective) |
What exactly did they work on, anyway? |
peerrational [peer-rash-uh-nl] (adjective) |
Why am I reviewing this person? |
peergatory [peer-guh-tohr-ee] (noun) |
The set of peer reviews which may have to be declined due to lack of time. |
peerfectionist [peer-fek-shuh-nist] (noun) |
I spent a long time obsessing over wording. |
peeriodic [peer-ee-od-ik] (adjective) |
Maybe I'll just copy some of what I wrote last year. |
peerritation [peer-ree-tay-shun] (noun) |
Unreasonable hostility felt toward the subject of the last peer review left to be written. |
peersecute [peer-seh-kyoot] (verb) |
How nice, everyone asked for my review. |
peersona non grata [peer-soh-nah nohn grah-tah] (noun) |
Nobody asked for my review? |
peeregular [peer-reg-gyu-ler] (adjective) |
An incomplete peer review, submitted anyway, just before the deadline. |