Thursday, April 29, 2010

Deep Pockets

In the tech industry, how often do we hear this?

  • "Great technology, they just didn't market it well."
  • "Its a shame to see that product die.
  • "They need somebody with deep pockets to see it through."

Of course this brings us to Palm, acquired by HP for $1.2 billion. Brian Humphries, an HP executive in business development, reportedly said: "Our intent is to double down on webOS." Palm managed to find their deep pocketed benefactor. Now we get to watch what happens.

This is the second time a savior has swooped in for Palm. In the early 1990s before the PDA had really established itself as a category, Palm nearly ran out of money. Its VCs were unwilling to put in more, but Palm was not generating enough revenue to operate. The company was purchased by US Robotics, which was later purchased by 3Com. Palm operated successfully for many years after that first brush with death.

We'll see what happens from here. HP likely believes that by owning the complete system, from hardware to OS to applications, they will be able to deliver compelling products and compete successfully with the iPhone. Time will tell.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

HTML5 is Hard, Lets Go Shopping!

I just wanted to embed two short audio clips in a web page. Just two little "play" buttons. Thats all. I started with a Flash player, "borrowing" one used by Google Reader:


This worked fine, but its a brave new world. I decided to use HTML5's <audio> tag, falling back to the Flash player if <audio> is not supported. This results in:

<audio src="myfile.mp3" controls autobuffer>
  <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

Loaded it into Chrome, it looks nice and plays fine. Life is good. I feel like a real web-enabled kindof guy. Before posting I try it in Firefox... whoops, it doesn't play. Firefox 3.6 doesn't handle MP3 files, most likely due to patent issues. So Firefox has an empty gray box with a little "X" through it.

In fact there is no single audio format supported by all common browsers. Supplying both MP3 and Ogg Vorbis is recommended for maximum compatibility. Next step: re-encode the audio and supply multiple formats. Ogg has to be first, because apparently if Firefox cannot play the first format it does not try subsequent ones.

<audio controls autobuffer>
  <source src="myfile.ogg"/>
  <source src="myfile.mp3"/>
  <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

This sortof works. Not really, but sortof. Chrome doesn't seem to like the Ogg file and plays static for the last half second instead. It probably doesn't play in Opera, which considers the src attribute of the audio tag to be mandatory. I have no idea what IE will do. At least Firefox is happy.

To get an audio tag which will work in all browsers, it appears I have to use JavaScript. Detect the capabilities of the browser, assemble an audio object in the DOM which meets their various requirements and bogosities, and hope for the best.

It shouldn't be this hard. Really, it shouldn't. It appears that as with nearly everything else in the modern web, the HTML5 media tags will be buried behind APIs in our Javascript frameworks to work around browser differences.

Another Long Hidden Easter Egg

Look at that, DOZENS of polygons!The Colony is an early 3d first person shooter. David Alan Smith began development in 1984 using an original 128k Macintosh. The game shipped in 1988. The version I played was black and white, though apparently a later update colorized it for the Macintosh II and Amiga.

The Colony is a fascinating game, for the daunting effort required to get good 3D performance on such early systems. For example the game engine does not use radians or degrees to compute angles. It settles for 256 discrete pseudo-degrees, allowing sin() to be implemented as a lookup table. cos() uses the same table by adding 64 to the desired angle, shifting sin by 1/4 wavelength. David A. Smith wrote about the development experience several years ago, and posted two videos of the game in action.

The game is also notable for its almost sadistic sense of humor. One of the puzzles is the Monolith: two connected rooms, painstakingly modeled after the small apartment at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. There is no exit. Once you find yourself in the room, there is no way to leave it. I saved a game in that room lo these many years ago, but unfortunately cannot load it due to a copy protection system of looking up a code in the long-lost manual. This screenshot comes from the second of the aforementioned Youtube videos instead.

My God, Its Full of Stars

Poking around the game's implementation reveals another little joke from its developer. Sound effects are stored as sfil resources in a file named Zounds. One of the resources, "test," is nowhere used in the game.

(MP3) (Ogg)

Sounds vaguely human, doesn't it? Played backwards and slowed by 2x, it is:

(MP3) (Ogg)

I first stumbled upon this sound effect in college. I wish to note that I was living in a dorm 800 miles removed from my parent's basement at the time.

Note: the sound effect is copyrighted, by Mindscape and David A. Smith. It is two seconds long and clearly not material to the game, since it doesn't ever play. I believe this blog post constitutes fair use, as commentary.

Monday, April 19, 2010

eWhere? eWorld!

Did anybody else have an eWorld account, or just me?

Apple System 7.5 Update, with eWorld.

It never really took off as a place for those-of-us-who-drink-the-Apple-coolaid to congregate. Mostly it turned into a way to download System Updates before anyone else, so as to lord it over them later. "Oh, you're still running MacOS 7.6.1? 7.6.2 is waaaaaaayyy better."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Code Snippet: hash_map

hash_map is not part of the current C++ STL, but is universally adopted as an extension. Using hash_map is simple when using built-in primitives like int or char*. Attempting to use user-defined classes as a key is somewhat more difficult, as the following example demonstrates:

class example1 {
  example1() {};
  ~example1() {};

  uint8_t name_[8];

typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<example1,int> Example1HashType;
Example1HashType hash_map1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  example1 e1;
  hash_map1.insert(std::make_pair(e1, 1));

When compiled with gcc 4.2 this results in:

/usr/include/c++/4.2/bits/stl_function.h:200: error: no match for ‘operator==’ in ‘__x == __y’

/usr/include/c++/4.2/ext/hashtable.h:595: error: no match for call to ‘(const __gnu_cxx::hash<example1>) (const example1&)’

hash_map requires two things: a hash function, and an ability to compare equality. To use a class as a key you need to provide a hash<> template specialized for the class in question. You also need to implement an equality operator.

class example1 {
  example1() {};
  ~example1() {};

  bool operator==(const example1 &other) const {
    return (memcmp(name_, other.name_, sizeof(name_)) == 0);

  uint8_t name_[8];

namespace __gnu_cxx {
template<> struct hash<example1> {
  size_t operator()(const example1& k) const {
    size_t hashval = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(k.name_); ++i) {
      hashval = 5 * hashval + k.name_[i];
    return hashval;
}  // namespace __gnu_cxx

typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<example1,int> Example1HashType;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  example1 e1;
  Example1HashType hash_map1;

  hash_map1.insert(std::make_pair(e1, 1));

This works, but what if we cannot add an operator method? For example, perhaps the class is in a library which we cannot modify, or is created by a code generator. Consider this case where key is a simple struct with no member functions. This code fails to compile, due to lack of "__x == __y"

struct example2 {
  uint8_t name_[8];

namespace __gnu_cxx {
template<> struct hash<example2> {
  size_t operator()(const example2& k) const {
    size_t hashval = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(k.name_); ++i) {
      hashval = 5 * hashval + k.name_[i];
    return hashval;
}  // namespace __gnu_cxx

typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<example2,int> Example2HashType;
Example2HashType hash_map2;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  example2 e2;
  hash_map2.insert(std::make_pair(e2, 1));

As this is C++, the solution will of course involve more templates. hash_map does not directly invoke "x == y," it uses an equal_to<> template. The "__x == __y" compiler error is from the template. We can provide an equal_to<> specialization instead.

struct example2 {
  uint8_t name_[8];

namespace std {
template<> struct equal_to<example2> {
  bool operator()(const example2& x, const example2& y) const {
    return (memcmp(x.name_, y.name_, sizeof(x.name_)) == 0);
}  // namespace std

namespace __gnu_cxx {
template<> struct hash<example2> {
  size_t operator()(const example2& k) const {
    size_t hashval = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(k.name_); ++i) {
      hashval = 5 * hashval + k.name_[i];
    return hashval;
}  // namespace __gnu_cxx

typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<example2,int> Example2HashType;
Example2HashType hash_map2;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  example2 e2;
  hash_map2.insert(std::make_pair(e2, 1));

Extending hash_map to custom key types makes it useful in far more situations.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Facebook Developer Humor

Facebook image upload error: The photo was either too tall or too skinny.

Facebook caps the maximum image size to conserve storage space, or bandwidth, or both. I attempted to upload an image substantially larger than this, and received this error.

I suspect the wording is a joke by Facebook developers, "You can never be too tall or too skinny."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bending the Rules

As of yesterday the iPhone Developer Program License reads:

3.3.1 - Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs (e.g., Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited).

The way the new requirement is phrased is interesting. Adobe's Packager for iPhone compiles Flash code to native ARM instructions. Assuming the Adobe tool can produce position independent code, one might consider something sneaky.

void run_disassembled_flash_binary()
  asm volatile("ldr r3, [pc, #192]\n\t"
               "mov r1, #3\n\t"
               "str r3, [sp, #32]\n\t"
               "mov r3, #0\n\t"
               "str r3, [sp, #4]\n\t"
               "str r3, [sp, #8]\n\t"
               "mov r2, #24\n\t"
               "mov r3, #48\n\t"
               "add r5, sp, #12\n\t"
               "str r0, [sp, #24]\n\t"
               "str r0, [sp, #0]\n\t"
               "add r0, sp, #12\n\t"

I make this suggestion in jest. Apple does allow embedded ARM assembly in iPhone apps, but an application consisting of nothing but opcodes produced by a foreign programming environment will not resemble an app compiled from more conventional source code. I very much doubt it would pass the App Store approval process. Though phrased as a technical requirement, section 3.3.1 of the iPhone Developer License is really a business imperative.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Simple Checksums Considered Harmful

Lets talk about iSCSI for a moment, as a launching point for a discussion about data integrity. iSCSI relies on CRC32 to catch data corruption. CRC32 is a good fit for this purpose, but most previous uses of it had been confined to very low levels of the system and implemented in hardware. iSCSI uses CRC32 way up in the protocol header, where it is generally computed in software. The overhead of computing the CRC is one reason why so many hardware offload adaptors were developed for iSCSI.

Intel recently released a whitepaper describing how they achieved 1 million iSCSI operations per second. One fascinating tidbit is that the CRC32 is no longer a bottleneck. The Nehalem architecture includes an instruction to compute it directly, as part of SSE 4.2. The new instruction is described in the Intel64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M. It is on page 3-221 of the December 2009 edition; search for CRC32 in later editions.

CRC32 r32, r/m8Accumulate CRC32 on r/m8
CRC32 r32, r/m16Accumulate CRC32 on r/m16
CRC32 r32, r/m32Accumulate CRC32 on r/m32
CRC32 r64, r/m8Accumulate CRC32 on r/m8
CRC32 r64, r/m64Accumulate CRC32 on r/m64

Thats it. You load words from memory and hand them to the CRC32 instruction. If you were already making a pass over the data for any reason, the CRC calculation is free. Table-driven CRC generation implementations were already fast, but this is even faster.

What does this mean? I think it means weak checksums should no longer be used for anything. Applications which care about data integrity moved to MD5 or SHA1 years ago, but you still see specifications in other contexts written to use Adler-32 or even the venerable 16-bit TCP checksum. Its not appropriate to use these any more. Server CPUs can compute CRC32 for free, and embedded CPUs have long included CRC32 calculation in DMA engines.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Just before Easter weekend Serious Eats published an excellent recipe for Peepshi. I highly recommend it. Their presentation is much better, I am just an amateur at food pr0n.

Peeps, Rice Crispy Treats variety pack, fruit sheets.

Four assembled peep sushi.

Ten assembled peep sushi.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Distribution Schmistribution

Avnet LogoElectronics distribution giant Avnet recently announced it would acquire Bell Microproducts. The deal values Bell at $250 million after paying off debt. Bell's annual sales are north of $3 billion, but electronics distribution is not a high margin business.

Some of the commentary surrounding the announcement expresses a lack concern about consolidation amongst distributors, because the chip manufacturers have firm control of pricing. I'm not sure that faith is warranted: distributors lack the ability to control pricing because there is so much fragmentation in the market. Each manufacturer has multiple channels for distribution and can play them off against one another. As the number of strong distributors dwindles, that power shifts to the remaining middlemen.

Distributors regularly show they will take complete advantage of any leverage they get. For example, chip manufacturers give preferential terms to a distributor who wins the design-in at a particular customer: no other distributor will be allowed to offer better prices to that customer. This is reasonable... until the distie takes it to the next level. Distributors do a great deal more business with contract manufacturers than almost any individual customer. A distributor can legitimately win the design for a particular chip, then request the bill of materials from the CM. In almost all cases the CM will give it to them. The distributor then registers as winning the design for every component on the BOM, even those they had nothing to do with. As a customer you suddenly find yourself unable to obtain better pricing on anything in your product, based on a single deal for one component.

If consolidation amongst distributors gives those which remain significantly more power over pricing, does anyone think they won't abuse it?

Thursday, April 1, 2010